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 Location (lat, lon): 58.1192017, 12.2568998  |  Station altitude 92 meters over sea level  |  Estimated cloud base height 92 m and estimated cloud temperature 5.8 °C;  | 
Updated: Tuesday 14/1/2025 at 07:49  (06:49 UTC)

Status Its Early Morning,Night time/Fog and it feels chilly outside. The temperature has been rising for the last few hours. There is a Light Breeze from the West south west. The temperature 20 cm below the earth's surface is currently 1.6 °C and the humidity 56.0%.

During the day until now, there has been 2.0 mm of rain, most recently measured at 06:53. It has been 0 consecutive days without rain. This month it has rained for a total of 5 days so far. Total hours/minutes of possible daylight for today is 07:08, yesterday it was 07:05:00, or a change of 00:03:15.

Fire Weather Index:  Current: Low-Moderate 0.0 (yesterday 0.0).

 Read more about the risk of fire in forests and grasses at: SMHI

UV: Current: 0.0, Low, max today: 0.0 (00:00).

Thunderstorms nearby

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Lightning count last hour within 40 km: 0. This month total: 3.
Latest strike at 14/01/25 07:48:42, shortest distance 15 km.
Max strike count per minute, last 12 hours: 0, updated 07:49.

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